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Assessing Digital Learning


          My most recent course in Lamar's Digital Learning and Leading Graduate Program has helped me to make major progress with my disruptive innovation plan. At the beginning of the course, we learned about the importance of Action Research. Mertler (2016), refers to action research as, "a process by which current practice can be changed towards better practice." With the use of research, teachers can use Action Research to make a difference in their classroom environment.  In this case, my Action Research will go along with my plan to implement blended learning into my Lifeguarding Class along with the Physical Education program at the middle school. 

          Before beginning my Action Research, I created an Action Research Outline. This process was extremely important because I was able to organize my thoughts and determine my topic, purpose of study, and fundamental research question. I also determined the type of data I will be using and the formats I will be using to collect the data. Once I created my outline, I completed a second Literature Review that focused on my Action Research. This essay used new and previous research to focus on student engagement, the benefits of blended learning, the importance of flexibility, and how it can benefit lifeguarding. The information collected is informative and could be convincing for important stakeholders in the future. Finally, I put together my Action Research Plan. This document describes my plan for development, collecting data, sharing data, and reflection. Nothing is currently set in stone, however, my Action Research Plan gives my blended learning initiative a positive direction to move in. 

          Although I am still in the beginning stages of my Action Research, I am proud of the progress I have made so far. I am confident that the data I will be collecting will be telling of the success of my blended learning implementation. It is also clear that there is little research related to Lifeguarding and blended learning as it related to student engagement, but I hope my Action Research can help others see the importance of incorporating it into their classrooms. I am excited to see what the future holds for my program in 2021-2022 and how this initiative can benefit lifeguards in the future. 

Action Research Plan
Lit Review

Action Research Plan Outline 


I. What is the topic of your action research?

  • The effectiveness of using a blended learning approach in Lifeguarding and Physical Education Classes 7-12th grade.


II. What is the purpose of your study?

  • The purpose of this study is to find out how virtual learning is affecting students’ growth and engagement in Lifeguarding and Physical Education Classes.

    • The importance of student participation in Lifeguarding and Physical Education Class.

    • The impact of Virtual Learning on students.

    • The improvement of students learned skills virtually and in person.

    • The level of engagement and whether it changes a student's willingness to participate. 


III. What is your research question?

  • What happens to student engagement when students in 7th-12th grade engage in Lifeguarding and Physical Activities via online platforms?


IV. What is your research design (Qualitative, Quantitative, or Mixed Methods)

  • Mixed Methods


          a. Why did you choose this design

  • The type of data I plan to collect is both Qualitative and Quantitative Research because although Quantitative Methods show the statistics, Qualitative Methods break down those numbers and give reasoning as to why a result may have shown those numbers.


V. What data will I collect?

  • I am interested in seeing if the time of day affects a student’s engagement (Each class), if a specific lesson is more interesting in a blended setting versus in person (entire grade level), and also if the teacher’s enthusiasm when teaching a lesson influenced students’ engagement.


VI. What types of measurement will you use?

  • My qualitative data will be based on surveys using Google Forms, General observations of student performance skills, and student interviews as a source of measurement. The surveys will provide my students with an opportunity to provide candid anonymous feedback, while the interviews with students may help me uncover other information about their thoughts and feelings when using a blended learning approach to teach Physical Education. My Quantitative data will be the scores that my students receive on their daily physical activity assignments.


VII. What is the focus of your lit review?

  • My literature review will continue to focus on the effects of blended learning in the Physical Education environment. For this action research plan, however, I will focus on:

    • The benefits of blended learning

    • The importance of student participation and engagement in Lifeguarding and Physical Education Classes.

    • The impact of Virtual Learning on 7th-12th grade students.

    • The difference in students’ physical skills when learning virtually.

    • The effects of student participation and engagement when learning online. 

Action Research Plan Outline
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