What's Your Why?
Why statement:
We believe in the importance of transforming traditional lifeguarding instruction by incorporating blended learning to empower students to take accountability of their own personal learning experience and allow more hands-on scenario training.
What statement:
We prepare students with knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize, and respond to aquatic emergencies and to provide care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries, and sudden illnesses until emergency medical services personnel take over.
How statement:
In order to achieve this, we created a blended learning environment that promotes choice, ownership, voice, and authenticity.
Part B:
Speaking to the heart is all about making connections. When planning to make a significant, long-lasting change within an organization, it is imperative to provide stakeholders with a way to connect to the why, or the root cause, of the change. The “why” statement allows you to state your purpose and explain the reason your organization exists. Although it is important for stakeholders to understand the process of change, it is more important that they feel the necessity for the change. By explaining the purpose, people will have a firm understanding of the innovator’s true intentions, beliefs, and goals.
I want to implement change in my school that will allow our students to have ownership, choice, voice, and authenticity of their learning. Currently, students have to learn the material (content) in class which takes a majority of the class time, leaving students with little time to practice the skill sets. However, through online videos, group discussion, and hands-on practice with blended learning, students will have more time in class to practice teamwork, rescue and surveillance skills, First Aid and CPR/AED and other skills needed to work as a professional Lifeguard. My why, how, and what statements prove that my innovation plan will be effective and beneficial to students in my school district.
Sinek, S. (2019, Oct. 7). Start with why — how great leaders inspire action | Simon Sinek | TEDxPugetSound. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4ZoJKF_VuA