Goal: Transform traditional lifeguarding instruction by incorporating blended learning into the course to empower students to take accountability for their personal learning experience. Blended learning will provide an opportunity for the students to learn the content prior to coming to class. Giving the student opportunities to not only learn the material at their own pace but also leaving more time for the teacher to review the materials and offer more opportunities to practice skills during class.
Step 1: Preparing: (May 2020-June 2020)
Health and Physical Education Department Heads
Minimal Funding Needed (Supplies last at least 5-10 years)
CPR Manikin’s 4 Pack (Adult- $464.68/ Baby- $436)
Practice AED 6 Pack ($449.70)
Step 2: Planning: (July 2020-August 2020)
Google Classroom/ Canvas (Options)
American Red Cross Online Portal
Student Access
Desktop Computers
Laptop Computers
Grading Policy
Determine with Department Head’s how student grades will be affected.
Work on changes to Curriculum over the summer.
What happens if a student misses an in-person lesson?
Can students take the class even if they don’t want to be certified?
Step 3: Implementation
August 2020
Introduce implementation to department members during August in-service days, discuss possible changes to plan.
Set up Unit 1- Lesson plans
Make sure equipment is accounted for and ready for class.
September 2020
Introduce American Red Cross Online Portal and Google Classroom (or Canvas) to students.
Make sure student log-in’s work and everyone can access both sites.
Students will have the first class to go on a scavenger hunt through the two sites and make sure they can find and access all the materials.
Students will have time to ask questions or get instructions on how to navigate sites.
Unit 1-Professional Lifeguard/Facility Safety and Patron Surveillance/ Injury Prevention
3 Lessons
Professional Lifeguard
Entries and approaches
Pool rules
Facility Safety and Patron Surveillance
Effective scanning and lifeguard rotations
Drowning Process
Injury Prevention
Summon EMS
Activate EAP
Total of 3 hours online
Total of 1.5 hours in person
Extra time- Used for more scenarios
October 2020
Unit 2- Water Rescue Skills
4 Lessons
Feet First Surface Dive, Head-First Surface Dive, Reaching Assist, Simple Assist
Active Drowning Front Rescue, Active Drowning Rear Rescue
Passive Victim Front Rescue, Passive Victim Rear Rescue, shallow and deep water
Multiple Victim Rescue
Total of 2 hours online
Total of 3 hours in person
Extra time- Used for more scenarios
November 2020
Unit 3- Head, Neck, and Spinal Injuries
4 Lessons
Escapes, In water Ventilation
Submerged Passive Rescues
Extrication using a backboard
Over-Arm Head Splint: Face-up
Head Splint: Face-down
Spinal Backboarding Procedure
Total of 1 hour online
Total of 3 hours in person
Extra time- Used for more scenarios
December 2020
Unit 4- First Aid, CPR, and AED
3 Lessons
First Aid
Cardiac Emergencies
Using an AED
Total of 3 hours online
Total of 3 hours in person
Extra time- Used for more scenarios
January 2021
Unit 5- Wrap-up and Final Exams
3 hours in-person skills test
Online Final Exam- 2 hours maximum
Reflection question:
What did they like about the course?
What could be improved?
What did they find confusing or tricky?
Areas that could use more time and review?
February 2021-June 2021
Reflection time:
What worked well?
What could be fixed for the next year to make the program stronger?
Were there lessons that needed more instruction or review?
Update Google Classroom (Canvas)
Update google forms and worksheets
Very nice graphics and easy to follow lay out. You have created a very aesthetically pleasing informational flyer or handout with your design. I appreciate your sharing so that others can benefit from your creativity.
Love the infographic design style for your timeline. I feel like when things are designed well that it helps communicate your message. It seems like your program is perfect for a blended learning transformation. I'm wondering if you have plans for beyond the first year? I would think that creating some sort of evaluation and using that to modify for the 2nd year could possibly make the program even stronger. Can't wait to see the progress with your plans!
I like the outline you have created for your blended learning life guarding class. The visual fits very well with the purpose. Will you be including reflection piece and feedback for students and administrators?